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Explosions In The Sky :: All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone

Dakin is in the middle of planning a trans-pacific move, from the blue water and flawless days of Hawaii to the cloud cover and drizzle of Seattle. Moving is always a difficult task, even if your move only takes you across town. When you cross oceans and time zones, a certain melancholy can take hold as you say "fare thee well" to a handful of new friends, while (in this case) falling back into the open arms of those that you had previously left behind. There is always an intrinsic feeling of being cheated that is imparted by the people you must doff your proverbial hat to, always accusations of some sort of abandonment... and why do they never understand that this is not an easy task? Perhaps things are different with each parting, as you leave your family in the midwest and follow dreams to the nw, then follow bigger (yet simpler) dreams to an island in a sea of blue, then, yet again, you chase even bigger dreams (is such a thing possible?) back to the fog and chill of the pine forests. In short, each goodbye becomes more bittersweet... For too long, you may have been the one who was left, and promised that someday you would be The One Who Leaves, only to discover that this is no easier. In short, he has taken a moment from the planning and goodbyes to pen this review...

Life has got me down, and that's why I've chosen to listen to Explosions In The Sky All Of A Sudden I miss Everyone (remixes). EIS is like the warmest bath, the rattiest sweater, the coziest fire. SIE allows you to revel in warmth and comfort and push the world aside, if only for a moment.

The album art features a man adrift with a light held aloft scanning a flooded once civilized landscape; alone and searching he is a symbol of isolation in a post apocalyptic world. He is obviously the survivor of something dreadful -- Katrina anyone? -- and yes, you believe that he does indeed miss everyone. He misses everyone because his world has come apart at the seams, everyone's world has, and he has, again, found himself adrift with the detritus pushed forth by this calamity.

The music of EIS could be said to embody this sense of loss, of heartache, of the great distances that we all traverse, in so many ways. EIS is instrumental beauty, all of the crash and crescendo of Godspeed You Black Emperor with none of the pretense or conceit.

Fall is approaching, and summer passes, melting all of the hope and promise that summer invariably brings into the muted colours and dried husks that fall leaves scattered across the sidewalks and beneath the trees. In light of such, EITS All Of A Sudden I Miss Everyone, and the companion disc of remixes is just the tonic that will guide you through all of life's sudden or premeditated changes.

Recommended? Goodness, yes. For whom? For anyone who feels


Katie Porter said…
wow... amazing review. if i weren't in the middle of the desert in israel i would run out and buy this album.
Drew Zackary said…
Its a good one for sure. Damn James we are always into the same stuff , even a globe apart.

Ive been digging on the new Pinback this week.

This summer I grew very very tired of the uber hipster "ironic indie pop folk" bands that tour endlessly in mid america and breed like herpes sores in Denver.

So, I went through a regemin of the first 3 Stooges albums and found
1) I felt better, hornier, breathing better
2)A new love for my guitars.

Try it, it might help. ( play 'penetration' and 'shake appeal' loud as hell to cure the hipster self involved rock blues)

Be jealous , Im going to see arcade fire at red rocks. Fly out, Ill treat ya to a ticket.
Drew Zackary said…
Also James,

If you want beautiful exestential terror...then buy everything Wilderness has recorded. One of the legendary out of nowhere shows in denver.

Buy it all. Its good for you, it will clear a room at a perty and piss of girlfriends. But for a late night drive, nothing tops it lately for me and my band.

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