Let us begin by saying that we typically do not care for live shots -- you'd think we would, but we don't. However, the work of Seattle photographer Laura Musselman is astonishingly good. From the composition to the clarity, we simply can't find fault with her work; in fact, we love it. We love it, and we are extremely fortunate to welcome Laura as a regular contributor to Duck and Cover. Currently, Laura's work can be found online at www.seattleweekly.com, where she is often requisitioned to document the city's vibrantly jaded music scene. Also, please know that all of Laura's work is copyrighted, so use without permission is stealing. If you would like to contact Laura, please shoot us an email via our contributor contact info, and we will be happy to forward it.
(Again, once Jamie returns, we will make the posting of photos a little more refined.)