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Help! We Need New Music!

Help! For the past two weeks, my inbox has received a steady flow of new tunes from various labels and media agencies. The problem is that everything just sounds contrived and heartless. I know I've been guilty in the past of just posting whatever comes through (apologies for that. It was a momentary lapse of judgement), but I've been careful to restrict my reviews to music that is not only under-the-rader, but more importantly music that is unique and interesting. Duran Duran impersonators and imitators of Pet Shop Boys just don't make the grade.

So I need your help. What have you been listening to? Send me a link to some tracks, a MySpace page, an mp3: anything. I need to break free of this rut!

Send your emails and files to duckandcovermusic[at] And hurry!

Yours truly,



Jon A. said…
You must stop what you are doing right now and listen to Dusty Rhodes and the River Band. Their second album just came out and I haven't listened to it yet, but their first is great. Good alt/rock/country with a sense of humor. Some songs require a few times to get into.
Jamie said…
Thanks, Jon. I'll definitely check it out.

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